TricePorter for Linux
Download file to any convenient location.
Gunzip and give executable permissions:
gunzip triceporter-1.0.0-linux-amd64.gz
chmod +x triceporter-1.0.0-linux-amd64
Start the executable file
To open UI go to the following link in the browser: http://localhost:18090
Default user/password: admin/admin
TricePorter for Linux — older x86-64 CPU’s
This version of TricePorter is recommended for the systems with the older hardware (pre-haswell era).
Download file to any convenient location.
Gunzip and give executable permissions:
gunzip triceporter-1.0.0-linux-amd64-pre-haswell.gz
chmod +x triceporter-1.0.0-linux-amd64-pre-haswell
Start the executable file
To open UI go to the following link in the browser: http://localhost:18090
Default user/password: admin/admin
TricePorter for MacOS
Download file to any convenient location
MacOS x86_64 version is coming soon…
Gunzip and give executable permissions:
gunzip triceporter-1.0.0-darwin-arm64.gz
chmod +x triceporter-1.0.0-darwin-arm64
Start the executable file
To open UI go to the following link in the browser: http://localhost:18090
Default user/password: admin/admin
TricePorter for Windows
Start the executable file
Download and unzip the file to any convenient location
To open UI go to the following link in the browser: http://localhost:18090
Default user/password: admin/admin
TricePorter for Docker
Currently we have two versions of TricePorter on DockerHub:
- apptrice/triceporter — this version is appropriate for the most Linux and Windows users with modern hardware
- apptrice/triceporter-legacy — this version is for users with older CPU’s (pre-haswell) and all MacOS users which would prefer to use docker instead of binary executable. Please make sure that virtualization is enabled in Docker desktop tool if you are using ARM M1, M2, M3 Apple CPU’s.
Native ARM docker image is coming soon...
To run TricePorter and have UI exposed to port 18090 please run:
docker run -p 18090:18090 apptrice/triceporter
If you want to have your TricePorter configuration and buffer persistent after container restart, then you might use the following:
docker volume create triceporter_volume
docker run --mount type=volume,src=triceporter_volume,target=/opt/triceporter -p 18090:18090 apptrice/triceporter
New Docker volume triceporter_volume will be created and used to store TricePorter buffer and configuration.
To check the exact location of this volume please use command:
docker volume inspect triceporter_volume
"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/triceporter_volume/_data",
TricePorter for Docker — older x86-64 CPU’s and MacOS
To run TricePorter-legacy and have UI exposed to port 18090 please run:
docker run -p 18090:18090 apptrice/triceporter-legacy
If you want to have your TricePorter configuration and buffer persistent after container restart, then you might use the following:
docker volume create triceporter_legacy_volume
docker run --mount type=volume,src=triceporter_legacy_volume,target=/opt/triceporter -p 18090:18090 apptrice/triceporter-legacy
New Docker volume triceporter_legacy_volume will be created and used to store TricePorter buffer and configuration.
To check the exact location of this volume please use command:
docker volume inspect triceporter_legacy_volume
"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/triceporter_legacy_volume/_data",